Hope Hardware, Llc - Colchester, Ct 06415

What Is a CT Scan?

Computed tomography, more commonly called a cat scan or CT scan, is a diagnostic examination that uses a series of computerized views taken from different angles to create detailed internal pictures of your body. A computer collects the pictures and puts them in sequence for your medico.

Compared with traditional X-rays, CT scans create two-dimensional, cross-sectional images that provide more information. Many times, a CT scan is ordered by a doctor after noticing something abnormal in an 10-ray. Although the CT scan cannot requite a definitive diagnosis, information technology is helpful in the evaluation of lung diseases and atmospheric condition such every bit pneumonia, cancer, blood clots or impairment caused by smoking.

What to Await?

A CT technician volition instruct you to lie flat on the CT scan table, which moves quickly through a donut-shaped device chosen a scanner. You will be asked to remain nonetheless and hold your jiff for a few seconds. While this may seem similar to an MRI, it'southward slightly different in that a CT scanner is open and less noisy, and the CT scan takes much less time.

Depending on where on your body the browse is being washed, you may need to remove some of your clothing and wearable a gown, and take off your spectacles, and whatever metal objects. If you call up yous might be pregnant, make certain to tell your physician and technician.

If your CT scan is ordered with contrast, you volition receive an intravenous (4) injection, during which you lot may feel a temporary warm feeling throughout your torso. Y'all may be given specific instructions prior to the scan that include not eating or drinking annihilation at to the lowest degree ii hours prior to your contrast browse and also alert your doctor or technician if yous have kidney issues and/or allergies to medications or nutrient, particularly iodine.

I Had My Scan; At present What?

After your CT scan, y'all are able to return to your regular activities. Make a program to meet with your doctor to discuss the results, which are typically ready inside a few days. Your doctor will review the report and images, and discuss and recommend side by side steps, if any. You may need to echo the CT scan within a specific time frame; nonetheless, information technology is possible you will be asked to go for boosted testing or a procedure such as a biopsy. You can always ask for a copy of your CT browse images for your ain records.

What Are the Risks?

A CT scan is a fast test, and the open equipment is easier for individuals with claustrophobia. The nearly meaning hazard of CT scans is radiations exposure. Discuss this with your dr., only the small risks of this radiation are offset by the benefit of the data obtained by the scan.

If your physician ordered a CT browse with contrast, alert your doctor and technician if y'all have an allergy to iodine or IV contrast because you may need to accept medications before the scan. This type of CT browse can affect your kidney function, and then your physician volition bank check a blood test prior to scheduling the examination.

Page last updated: July 13, 2020


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