Game of Thrones Season 7 Social Media

The Game of Thrones Social Media Strategy: The "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"

Ane of the most recognized TV series in the globe, Game of Thrones, begins its 7th flavor on Sun 16 July. We could listing many, many reasons why it is such an enormous success, beginning with the storyline. But, as nosotros alive in 21 th  century, there is always more to it than a peachy script, dual characters, amazing casting, and fantastic graphics.

What HBO has excelled at since the inception of The Game of Thrones in 2011, is to keep the audience on edge through intrigue and suspense. For some shows, the time betwixt seasons can be problematic with a story so full of characters and plots such as Game of Thrones. However, the product's "Never Resting" social media team discovered the perfect way to go on their audition greedy for more. As fans speculate about the smallest details, the Game of Thrones social media group decided to dilate the conversation, capitalizing and generating exclusive content that fans find engaging and can easily share on social media. This translates to social media buzz about Westeros even between seasons.

The season seven trailer'due south release acquired quite a stir on social media. For more than ten minutes on Facebook, fans watched an water ice cube melt waiting to reveal the show's season 7 start date. The feel engaged fans by asking them to annotate "Burn" ("AND BLOOD") to speed up the process of the ice cube melting.

At that place is no uncertainty the Game of Thrones social media team are uncommonly creative creating new ways to engage with fans. The bet for this season is a Snapchat filter, where the viewer can go a white walker with blue cold eyes and freezing breath.

To support fan recognition, fan posts are shared throughout the Game of Thrones social media accounts, generating more than and more date, amplifying the conversation. Let's only say that they "always pay their debts".

Talking near amplifying, Game of Thrones producers asked artists and fans to create design images inspired from the series. The all-time renderings were presented in a gallery on Tumblr.

game of thrones social media

All the social media programs described thus far are for Season 7 only. Each year the Game of Thrones social media team has gear up out to appoint fans through increasingly sophisticated and compelling campaigns. To HBO'south credit, they discovered that the best way to charm the GOT audience is to ask them to create content and and then dilate and reward their efforts. This strategy culminates in successful buzz virtually the testify all twelvemonth long. Even if the script kills beloved characters without mercy, the social media team keeps all murdered characters alive through social media content.

The Game of Thrones has proven that content is withal the male monarch of a good social media strategy. If yous would similar use social media to enhance fan engagement on your website, contact Crowdynews to schedule a demo and we volition "light the manner."

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