Working as a Traveling Teacher Without a Classroom

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If y'all could live anywhere, where would you go?  Vacations are incredible.  Y'all get to experience a different culture, try exotic foods, relax and explore a place you've e'er dreamed of visiting.  Imagine if that vacation didn't accept to end?  Seems besides good to exist true?  This is the reality for many people living a life of travel.  This post will explore some ways in which you can continue to teach and travel!

Location independence has go increasingly more common over the past few years.    In the historic period of the internet it is much easier to work from dwelling house, or anywhere.  Research how to be location independent and yous volition meet lists of ideas such as blogging, copywriting and freelancing.

Withal, I'm a teacher.  My job doesn't allow me to work from anywhere.  I accept students in an bodily classroom, waiting for me to show upwards and dazzle them with my super-engaging lessons…  Well, at least my primary is waiting for me to show up!

Teach and Travel

And so, if you are similar united states and would beloved to travel the world (during cheaper seasons!!) but yous take that didactics contract with the benefits and pension and swell salary… then read on to find out how it is possible to go along to teach and travel!  Over the coming months, we will exist adding more in-depth posts virtually each option so yous can begin to programme that life you've always dreamed of.

Group of students dressed up for Halloween in a classroom.

Why would you want to give up kids similar these??

Take a Leave of Absence

Our Ontario board allows united states of america to take a exit of absenteeism for upward to two years and still have our jobs to return to.  An amazing perk!  We did this to teach in Mexico for ii years and again a year ago when we moved to Trinidad for a didactics job.  This allows time to travel and explore parts of the world in depth, with an income, just also with the security of knowing our jobs are even so there.  Combine your leave of absence with any of the post-obit ideas to bring in an income while traveling.  This is a perfect option to teach and travel without the risk of giving upward a neat job.

International Teaching Jobs

In our opinion, this is probably the best option for someone wanting to teach and travel.  If you search for teaching overseas, nearly results will be near teaching English language.  This is definitely an option but, with a didactics degree, you should be able to get a ameliorate paying chore.  School administrators attend International education recruitment fairs during the winter months and rent for the upcoming school year.  You lot are almost guaranteed a chore if you are open up to options.

Another option is to search specific school websites for job postings and send them your resume directly.  If you take an idea of what countries you lot are interested in this can be a good choice.  You will save the fee for the recruitment fair as well as the probable hotel costs associated.  Be prepared to spend some quality time with your laptop!

Woman looking at detailed pyramid and ruins at El Tajin, Mexico

Teach and travel to amazing places like this when you take an international pedagogy chore

Teacher Commutation Programs

Republic countries accept excellent exchange programs.  Teachers can apply and be matched with someone in a land of their choice where they take over each other'south jobs and homes for a year.  Canada, England, Australia and, to a bottom extent, New Zealand are the nigh common that we are aware of just I'one thousand sure at that place are other programs out there in different countries!  While we haven't personally washed this (however), nosotros do know at least three people who have switched places and all had amazing experiences!

Tutor privately

If you move somewhere with private schools, tutors are always in high demand.  Of grade, you are not guaranteed an income and it may take a little while to get started.  However, nosotros know many people who were able to go multiple students and charge a pretty sweetness hourly rate.  One friend was charging $100 an hour in Indonesia and taking multiple students at once!  Contacting the local private schools and asking to put up a flyer will aid, too as making certain to mention your qualifications.  Similarly, many international schools are desperate for supply or substitute teachers.  This is what I was doing in Trinidad as Terry was the but one of us with a full-time contract at the school.

Teach English Overseas

A lot of people cull to teach English overseas as a means to live and piece of work in a foreign country.  All the same, you lot don't need teacher qualifications and salary reflects this.  It is a adequately easy chore to get as there are many companies hiring all the time, particularly in Asia.  Every bit a qualified teacher, you may find it easier to get hired but it would probably yet be a good idea to get a TEFL course on your resume.  While this chore isn't going to pay the aforementioned as a classroom pedagogy task in an international school, it may be easier to become a job so information technology depends on your priorities.

Teacher dressed up as funny rock and roll star.

Teach Online

Want to teach and travel more?  This is condign increasingly pop.  Instruction English online is a great style to teach while living anywhere you choose.  All it requires is a solid internet connection, a estimator and headphones/microphone.  Every bit above, y'all wouldn't need to be a qualified teacher then won't make every bit much money but it does allow for a huge amount of freedom!  There would be no restrictions in location at all.  You could teach from a different country every week if you wanted.

Teachers Pay Teachers

This is just one, albeit the largest, marketplace for teachers to sell their hard work.  The idea is that instead of teachers spending their hard-earned money on resources created by large companies, they buy resource created by other teachers.  I know I have spent a lot of money over the years on store-bought resources that had very little useful content!

Of course, this one takes a while to build upwards enough products, followers and ratings to make proficient money.  However, plan ahead and begin building your shop before you lot leave home.  Working on it full-time and living somewhere with a lower toll of living will assist to outset any loss in income until you really hit the big time!

Click here to see what this website is about and how we are supplementing our income this twelvemonth as we travel total time!


Blogs aren't just for digital nomads!  There are a number of highly successful teaching blogs out there.  Once again, this volition have a lot of time and piece of work before you lot see any financial gains from a blog, and information technology's never guaranteed…  I wouldn't recommend this choice unless you take already established a blog with a solid readership.  From in that location, information technology would be easier to work on monetizing it.

Deferred Salary Voluntary Leave

Again our board gives us an amazing choice if you want to travel without having to work.  In that location are a number of time options with this, all ending with a one-year leave.  For case, a "2 over iii" means y'all work for two years and so accept the third year off.  Your two years' salary is spread across the three years.  Therefore, y'all volition still exist receiving an income for the twelvemonth you are not working.  Depending on how much coin you can afford to alive with, you can work for i, two, iii, or iv before taking your leave.  This is an excellent option to teach and travel.  During the exit, you could cull one of the options in a higher place for additional income or simply live travel.  Notice out if your schoolhouse board has a similar programme and let us know below in the comments!

As you can come across, in that location are a number of ways you tin teach and travel!  Yous don't accept to choose between your dream job and your dream of seeing the earth, and you're not restricted to short holidays paying high season prices!

Unexpected bonus: it may just make y'all a better teacher!  Nosotros definitely returned from Mexico with fresh ideas and a new mental attitude.

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 Are you a teacher who loves to travel?  What accept you done to make both happen?  What else should be on this list?  Annotate below!

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